This is the first complete home study course in Matsumura Family Kobujutsu. In this comprehensive program you can now learn the art and earn authentic rank promotions from White through 1st Degree Black Belt, sanctioned by the Matsusoden Kobukan Bujutsu Federation.
The Matsumura Kobujutsu Complete Home Training Course is perfect for beginners who want to learn martial arts for fitness or self-defense, as well as experienced practitioners in other arts who would like to add to their skills. It provides step by step video instruction as well as personal feedback from our staff.
This four volume digital media course includes Volumes 1 thru 4 and the free Home Study Workbook in easy to follow steps, and provides instruction in narration speed, regular speed, and reverse angle. Techniques are shown without a partner to make the information easily retainable.
Price $89.99

Volume I – Bojutsu – Junbi Undo, Hojo Undo, Matsumura Bo Shodan
This video provides great instruction for the beginning student who wishes to learn the Okinawan Bo (6 Foot Staff). Instruction includes Junbi Undo (handling drills, stances and weapon hand transfers, flips, and spins). Hojo Undo (Basic movements and combinations) and Kihon Waza (Basic Techniques within each kata in four directions) that are the foundation of the art. The Matsumura Bo Shodan kata is demonstrated with a narration walkthrough of the first foundational form of the Matsumura Family Bojutsu system for study and practice.
Price $25.00

Volume II – Bojutsu- Matsumura Bo Nidan, Sandan, Chikin No Kon (Tsuken Bo)
This video continues with the second and third foundational bo kata, Matsumura Nidan and Sandan and the favorite bo kata of O’Sensei Hohan Soken, Chikin no Kon, also known as Tsuken Bo (Japanese). Hohan Soken’s version of Tsuken Bo was taught directly to him by Komesu Ushi, (Bushi Komesu no Tanme 1854-1920) of Nishihara village. Demonstration of the kata at varying speeds and angles along with a narration and walk through are included. Demonstration of the complete 3 Matsumura Bo kata are included with a bonus performance of Matsumura Bo Dai Ichi and completes the bojutsu requirements in this home study course.
Price $ 25.00

Volume III – Tonfajutsu- Soken NoTonfa Shodan, Soken No Tonfa Nidan.
This video includes detailed instruction in the Matsumura Kobujutsu System of the Okinawan weapon known as the tonfa, tuifa, handled cudgel or PR24 Baton (Police Less Lethal Defense Weapon). Provided in this video are the basic movements, handling, and wielding of the weapon to include the Hojo Undo (handling exercises), Kihon Waza (basic techniques) and the katas Soken no Tonfa Shodan and Soken no Tonfa Nidan. These kata are performed at varying speeds and a narration walk through with varying angles for your study and practice.
Price $ 25.00

Volume IV – Saijutsu- Soken No Sai Shodan , Soken No Sai Nidan.
This video presents the third Okinawan weapon known as the Sai (3 prong truncheon). This is the first metal weapon taught in this series Matsumura Family Kobujutsu. The final two kata will conclude the requirements for black belt certification in Matsumura Kobujutsu. Provided in this video are the basic handling (Hojo Undo), basic techniques (Kihon Waza) for the sai. Demonstrated are the kata Soken No Sai Shodan and Soken No Sai Nidan in varying angles, speeds along with a narration walkthrough for your study and practice.
Price $ 25.00

Volume V – Bojutsu- Matsumura Bo Yondan, Matsumura Bo Dai.
This video presents the fourth foundational Bo kata in the Matusmura Bojutsu kihon kata series. This is last segment of bojutsu techniques completes the concepts and principles taught in this series Matsumura Family Kobujutsu. With the final installment of the kihon no kata for the Matsumura bo, an additional demonstration of all four bo katas performed in sequence, called Matsumura Bo Dai is provided for your study and practice. The forms are demondatrated at regular performance speed, slow and reverse angles with a narrative walk through and explanation for you ease of study.
Price $ 25.00

Volume VI – Saijutsu- Soken No Sai Sandan , Soken No Sai Yondan (Ananku no Sai kata)
This video presents the third and fourth Soken no Sai (foundational) kihon kata. This completes the Sai Kata series of basic sai metal weapon taught in this series Matsumura Family Kobujutsu. The final two kata are demonstrated in varying angles, speeds along with a narration walkthrough for your study and practice.
Price $ 25.00

Pinan Sandan Kata– Matsusoden Kobukan presents the third kata from the Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate curriculum. This version of the Pinan kata is not originally from the Matsumura lineage. Anko Itosu, a senior student of Soken Bushi Matsumura and Nabe Matsumura created the third, fourth and fifth katas of this Pinan series. This kata was introduced into the Matsumura Seito Dojo by Fusei Kise Sensei from Shoinji Ryu Karate and modified by senior students of Hohan Soken Sensei to reflect the Matsumura fighting concepts and principles. This video presents the third Pinan kata, an alternate version, concepts and key principles as well as a demonstration with varying angles, speeds along with a narration walkthrough for your study and practice.
Price $ 15.00

Pinan Godan Kata– Matsusoden Kobukan presents the fifth and final kata from the Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate curriculum. This version of the Pinan kata is not originally from the Matsumura lineage. Anko Itosu, a senior student of Soken Bushi Matsumura and Nabe Matsumura created the third, fourth and fifth katas of this Pinan series. This kata was introduced into the Matsumura Seito Dojo by Fusei Kise Sensei from Shoinji Ryu Karate and modified by senior students of Hohan Soken Sensei to reflect the Matsumura fighting concepts and principles. This video presents the fifth Pinan kata concepts and key principles as well as a demonstration with varying angles, speeds along with a narration walkthrough for your study and practice.
Price $ 15.00